Nuestros clientes y los trabajos que hemos realizado definen nuestra trayectoria y explican nuestra experiencia.
Aquí está la relación de nuestros clientes a lo largo de estos años y también algunos de los proyectos que nos representan mejor.
“Benvolgudes amigues, voldria felicitar-vos pel desenvolupament de L'Invova disseny. La impressió general és molt bona, els participants estaven molt satisfets. No cal dir que quant arribaves al Palau ja es detectava el bon rotllo. Us felicito per tot: per la inauguració, per l'elecció del ponents, per l’exposició, per la vostra edicació...etc. Al FAD no tenim per costum fer congressos, però si en el futur en fem un altre no tindré cap dubte en escollir a Manners. La seva professionalitat, dedicació i amabilitat fa que sigui molt fàcil treballar amb elles. Moltes Gràcies per tot”
Jomi Murlans, gerent del FAD
“Congrés InnovaDisseny”
“En fin, una vez más quiero agradecer vuestra colaboración y felicitaros por vuestra gestión tan competente. Para mi habéis supuesto siempre una enorme tranquilidad, me habéis hecho las cosas muy fáciles y, desde luego, ha sido un placer enorme trabajar con vosotras.”
Fernando Giráldez
DCEXS Universitat Pompeu Fabra
“On behalf of my Division, the awards winners and participants of the 2010 United Nations Public Service Day Awards Ceremony and Forum, I truly express my greatest appreciation to you and your team for your valued assistance and cooperation in organizing this important event. We truly appreciate the professionalism that all of you demonstrated in the many activities that you so kindly undertook. We know that without the many hours of hard work from all of you before, during and after, this event could not have been so successfully accomplished”
Haiyan Qian, Director Division
Public Administrationand Development Management of United Nations, 2010
“Cuando las cosas transcurren de una manera tan natural y en un ambiente tan distendido es porque hay muchas horas invertidas y muchas ganas de hacer las cosas bien. Transmite mis felicitaciones a todo el equipo organizador del encuentro.”
Un participant
“II Encuentro profesional La Pedrera, patrimonio creacion y educación”
“Colleagues, Fantastic effort.<br>I can't imagine any delegate departing CCCB without a very positive view of your organisation, IPHS by association, and of course Barcelona...”
Robert Freestone
“IPHS 2004 - Barcelona”
“Gràcies per tot l'esforç compartit, i per la vostre admirable capacitat de ser pacients. Gràcies, en definitiva, per haver-nos permés divertir-nos fent feïna.”
Amadeu Gavalda
Laboratoris Almirall
It was the best EECERA conference I have attended (have been to 4 now). More than anything I enjoyed to friendliness and calmness of it. If there was a problem, it was dealt with calmly and quietly. The support team pointing us in the right direction, sorting the IT and providing tons of food were extremely helpful and, even when faced with the masses of delegates, incredibly cheerful. The food was great, the venue worked well and the weather was brilliant (well, maybe not on the last day….). For me all this meant that I was relaxed and chilled, and therefore able to listen and learn a lot. Dublin will struggle to top this! Thank you so much.
Ute Ward, Programme tutor/BA Early Childhood Education
EECERA Meeting, 2015